Friday, January 8, 2010

Just a thought . . .

Well... Many times whether or not have you realised, originality seems to have been flushed down the toilet bowl. . .
Have been out with a friend, and realised this (not the first time, but writing it out this time ! Lolz...), he speaks in a forced accent of Malay when he is with his Malay friends; Speaks with a forced accent of Indian when speaking with an Indian friend, Chinese with chinese, and best of all, a "Perfecto" English accent "better & stronger" than the British when speaking with an Ang-mo in Angmokio !
Perhaps, it shall be better if one can speak originally in his or her own style as long as it is greatly hearable and understandable. I see no purpose to force out a not so comfortable speaking accent when you don't have one !
Be original, Be yourself ! ;p

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